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Cleveland Church of Evangelical Faith Missions » About Us

About Us

File1120           Our Mission Team is a group of active, young men and women motivated by God to fulfill His Commandment: “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15).  Everyone on our team is an active member of Cleveland Church of Evangelical Faith in Cleveland, TN.  We are a Slavic Pentecostal Church who believe in Jesus Christ who was born and lived on this earth, died on the cross for our Salvation, resurrected on the 3rd day, and forthcoming for His faithful.  “For in Him, we live, and move, and have our being;…” (Acts 17:28)  Now, we are taking the Gospel everywhere God opens a door of opportunity for us.  In 2007, God gave us an opportunity to go to Mexico on a Mission Trip.  We took this chance with open hands, and we seen God start His work in the people’s hearts.  God then gave us a great love for the people of Mexico, and we have been ever since sharing that love with the Hispanic Nation.  Our church and several other Slavic churches united together, raised funds, and built a Missionary Building in 2008 in Juarez, Mexico.  This building is now used to house our team, and serves as a warehouse for the food and other supplies for the people in need.  We achieve the missionary work with the help of a couple members of a local Hispanic church in Juarez, Mexico.  These members are very dedicated evangelists, that help us reach a lot of people in need and accomplish more of God’s work.  We preach the name of Jesus in nursing homes, orphanages, children’s schools, rehabilitation centers, and hold evangelism services on the streets of Mexico.  We try to hold 4 services a day to utilize our time in the mission field as constructive and effective as possible.  After each service full of Spiritual Food, we demonstrate our faith through our works.  We provide food, clothing, and other donated supplies to the poor and the hungry.  We also present Hispanic Bibles and other Christian Hispanic Literature to anyone who is willing to accept it.  Not all of our mission trips are strictly evangelism through our speech, but some trips are geared more for evangelism through physical labor.  In the past, we have done essential construction work for some Christian Centers that are not government funded or aided.  Our mission work in Juarez, Mexico continues as strong as ever today, and we are ready to accept everything that God has prepared for us in the future.  Please keep us in your prayers.  God Bless!

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