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Cleveland Church of Evangelical Faith Missions » July 2011 » Juarez, Mexico July 2011

Juarez, Mexico July 2011

Our recent mission trip to Juarez, Mexico, which took place July 11 – 16, 2011, was a great blessing for us and for a lot of the people in Mexico.  During our trip, we preached about Jesus in nursing homes, orphanages, children’s schools, rehabilitation centers, and held Evangelism services on the streets of Juarez.  We, first hand, have seen God doing His awakening work in the hearts of the many unsaved people we evangelized to.  However, our mission team not only shared the Spiritual Food & Support that God laid on our hearts, but we also showed our faith in our works.  We brought food, clothes, and other donated supplies to the poor and the hungry of Juarez, Mexico.  The donations we received, whether supplies or finances, went straight to the people in need and the Christian Orphanages, Nursing Homes, and Children’s Schools that are not government funded and rely on us and other Christian missionaries for support.  After our Evangelism Services on the streets, we handed out packets of grain foods, Hispanic Bibles, and Christian Hispanic literature to both the newly saved and unsaved to show God’s love to everyone.  God be willing, we are planning our next mission trip to Juarez, Mexico in November 2011.  Dios bendiga a Juarez! (God Bless Juarez!)

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Filed under: July 2011

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